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Here is the fantastic Tothfans Christmas card drawn by fellow Tothfan Nicolas Blocteur. The card and greetings were signed (via scans) and mailed to Toth in time for Christmas!
Many thanks to Nicolas and all who signed this year!
�Bravo For Adventure� � Chapter 1!
Just in time for the Holidays! Alex Toth's gift to us all -- the first 12-page installment of "Bravo for Adventure", Toth�s magnum opus serialized as he originally meant for it to be! Complete with notes and comments - the Auteur show us his vision!
Thanksgiving early!
A grand week on the Tothfans site, just in time to be "thankful" for Thanksgiving -- a feast for the eyes and mind to beat the feasts for the stomach! Alex has done the next 17-page "dream" sequence of "Bravo for Adventure", dialoguing with ol' Dave Cook about design, free association and other assorted fun.
PLUS -- longtime Toth friends and fans Luca Biagini and Jim Vadeboncoeur have shared their collections with us. You can see their pieces of original Toth art in the "Luca Gallery" and "Vadeboncoeur Gallery".
Our thanks and mille grazie to Jim and Luca for sharing these fine pieces with us.
Annotated 'Who is Jesse Bravo?'!
It's here!!! The first four pages of Toth's original masterpiece "Bravo for Adventure" have arrived for the 'Annotated Toth'! Toth starts with the introductory story "Who is Jesse Bravo?" that he did for the Dragon Lady Press printing. In this 'Annotated', Toth banters with Dave Cook about the filmic influences, design & fashions as well as addresses the confusion around the pages sequences, A-B-D-C!
Thanks to Toth, Dave Cook and John Hitchcock, we can see the vision behind 'Bravo'. Enjoy!
Exclusive Toth Columns!
Wow! Now we're really "official" -- Alex has joined us for his own platform! As he often quotes, "Unhappy is the know-it-all with no one to tell it to." Well, now, he has his own web magazine without any interference from editors (although he still has to face the Forums).
Check out the first three offerings under Articles -- "Let's Face It", "Now Then", and "Who Cares? I do!" He also followed up his memories of Sol Harrison and "what to leave out" with an "addendum". The beginnings of what promise to be a regular feature exclusive to the �Toth Fans� web site. You not only saw it here first -- you won't read it anywhere else!