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We have some new Alex Toth tributes for the site from Federico Zilli, Paul Smith & Franck Biancarelli.
Franck's mentioned that his tribute is "..a song's adaptation : ' L' homme � la t�te de chou'".
Paul had this to say about his tribute of Errol Flynn, "Someone in the 'One Man Show' section left an unfinished drawing alone and unprotected ...".
Thanks guys!
Interesting quote
"You know you've achieved perfection in design, not when you have nothing more to add, but when you have nothing more to take away."
- Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Alex Toth
Alex Toth has his first ever "One Man Art Show" running Sterling Collage Art Gallery from November 1st 2005-January 31st 2006. The show put on by Dave Cook and his students to help expose new people to Toth's work.
So in order to give it a more permanent "virtual home", Dave has sent scans of the pieces to be displayed here on
The Case of the Curious Classic Anotated
It's the "AnnoToth" we've all been waiting for, The Case of the Curious Classic". Josh B. Malks, editor of the Auburn/Cord/Duesenberg Newsletter, has offered to publish an article with 4 pages of color commemorating Alex's "casting" of the Cord in several stories. Dave Cook sent "The Case of the Curious Classic" to Toth saying, "Hey, we haven't done one of these in 3 years..." so the result, hot from the mailbox is here at Toth's web site. Enjoy... but watch out for those Macadam roads... dangerous curves ahead...
